Wondering and Wandering...

by Ben at/on 8/12/2009 08:32:00 PM

I'm failing at consistently writing a blog...

I've been unbelievably busy the past few weeks, and while I don't consider this to be an acceptable excuse, someone's gotta take the blame, right?

So, the long and short of it... I'm still working at Roswell Street Baptist Church in Marietta...

It's been great so far, but I'm certainly having a hard time locking into their vision for the position they've hired me for...

I certainly see the role I'm filling, but in the end where does this role lead me personally, and more importantly, where will it take this church...

God has so got a plan for me, but, wow, if sometimes things don't come together like you expect them to...

I'm sitting outside Marietta Pizza Company right now. I had some slices. Listened to Andy Stanley's leadership podcast. Did a little work. Wrote another blog...

Now I'm writhing this...

Andy teaches so well and so much in one little 30 minute conversation. It's ridiculous...

But what throws me the most is this...

The more I learn about how to do these things and do them well, the more confused I become about what this life and my life is all about...

I know what I'm suppose to be doing... "Making disciples." But I don't know in what way to go about doing that that will most glorify the Kingdom...

I listened to Andy's podcast called, "High Performance Teams".

I want to implement and be a part of these types of teams...




When? Now?

Here are my notes from the podcast. Staying steadfast in prayer... My love for the Cross and my Creator has lessened none and grown so much more. Have no fear. I will succeed and not for my glory... Much love to all of you that take the time to wonder and wander here...

High Performance Teams

- If you don't like talking things out through meetings, then you're probably not a good team leader...

Here's how we create high performance teams...

A. - A clearly defined problem... "What's going to happen if we don't solve this?"
This is not a goal. A goal is an add-to. Fixing a problem means something good won't happen.
- One of the major problems God is calling us to solve is irrelevant church environments.
What does this do?
1. This gives a team a reason to be.
2. This gives a context for passion.
3. Teams dissolve when the problems are
all solved.

B. An agreed upon solution is key and that takes time.
1. Agreement necessitates unfiltered debate.
2. I can't concede my point until I know you have heard me out.
"Only when everyone has put their opinions and perspectives on the table can the team confidently commit to the decision." We want our staff to agree to commit to a decision not just agree to do a task.
3. Every team member must buy in before they will whole-heartedly pitch-in. "People will commit their hearts to a cause but not to a task."
- If you want their hearts involved then you have allow them to be involved to the solution.

So... What is the problem? What is the solution?

C. Clearly assigned roles.
1. Every team member needs to know exactly what's expected of them.

You hire employees. You create a team.
Employees greatest concern is usually not the problems at work. They show for a paycheck. Teams show up to accomplish something.

Do we continue to tell people what to do, how to do, and when to do by, or do we cast the vision to to fix the problem with an agreed upon solution?

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