I've sat here for a few minutes wondering how to start this... How to sound intelligent and mature and not cliche' and make this endeavor into blogging something worthwhile.
I want this to be relaxing and encouraging and to feel good. I want it to challenge me and make me more open when I'm far too often very closed.
I want to write about my career, of course, and my opinions, definitely, but I want to be open to writing about deeper and more complex things and also stupid, meaningless things that only I care about.
I want to find a way to make this mine and to write it for me, and not for those that might read this or may read this because as much as it may be for you it should more be for me.
And I want to do all those things with class...
"You stay classy, San Diego." (Or Athens, or Byron, or Atlanta, or Warner Robins, wherever I am.)
Trust me when I tell you that I expect more of myself than almost anyone else... And I fail often. And no I'm not depressed about it. It's life.
My life can best be summed up with the above statement... "The twisted straight and narrow..."
Christ holds me and loves me and bore my sins and He is my refiner... And I'm being worked on.
Bring it on, web log...
Wow, Great blog, caught my interest! Great writing. Wish I had the talent. Thank you for sharing. Come visit mine, maybe not so interesting, but it's mine. I talk about several things. marriagechildanddogchat.blogspot.com
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